Frequently Asked Sugaring Questions
What is sugar?
Sugar is a golden paste made of three natural ingredients. Sugar, lemon, and water. It’s chemical free and so natural, you can eat it!
How long should my hair be?
We recommend you grow your hair out 2-3 weeks post shaving and 4 weeks post waxing. Hair should be 1/8 of an inch (length of a grain of rice).
Is sugaring painful?
Although sugaring is a more gentle method of hair removal, it is still hair removal. Anytime you extract a hair from the hair follicle, you’re going to feel some degree of pain. On the bright side, pain is substantially reduced if you consistently sugar, and because sugar doesn’t stick, or cause damage to the skin, you won’t have any stinging or burning once the service is completed.
Is sugaring good for sensitive skin?
Yes! Sugaring is a sensitive skin friendly alternative to wax. Sugaring removes hair without lifting or damaging skin in the process.
Is sugar better than wax?
Yes! While both remove hair, wax also removes the top layers of skin. Sugar doesn’t adhere to the skin at all, it only grabs and extracts hair without causing any trauma to the skin. And because sugaring removes hair in the direction of growth, the extraction is cleaner and more effective.
Will sugaring give me better results than waxing?
Yes! Because sugaring removes your actual hair follicle, your hair will grow back noticeably thinner, and more sparse than with waxing. With sugar you are causing damage to the hair follicle, and eventually the hair follicle will stop growing hair. The longer you sugar, the less hair will grow back.
How often can I sugar?
Face and underarms every 2-4 weeks
Brazilian and legs every 4-6 weeks
Just make sure your hair is long enough and grown out in an even hair pattern. I do not recommend shaving or tweezing in between appointments as it can throw off you growth cycle and back track your progress.
How do I prepare for my sugar appointment?
You must have at least 2-3 weeks of growth post shaving (hair that is too short cannot be properly extracted, and will cause uneven results) or 4-6 weeks post waxing/sugaring. Gently exfoliate your skin two days before your appointment (please do not exfoliate the day of your appointment to prevent any unnecessary irritaiton). Please arrive to your appointment with clean skin (no lotions or oils). Avoid caffine until after your appointment (caffine can make you more sensitive). Wear loose clothing to your appoinment to avoid irritation.
How do I care for my skin after sugaring?
You’ll want to wait 24-48 hours before you take a hot shower, exfoliate, work out, or have sex to prevent irritation and ingrown hairs. Freshly sugared skin, is more sensitive and exposed, introducing bacteria could cause a reaction. For the smoothest results possible keep the area well moisturized with a light weight oil daily (Fur oil is my FAV) and exfoliate 2-3 times a week using a chemical exfoliant.
Is sugaring eco-friendly?
Yes! Sugar is water soluble, allowing me to quickly clean up any left over product with water (unlike waxing which requires oil based removers). Because I don’t use sticks or strips with sugaring, there is less waste. Sugar is also a natural, chemical and wax free product, so the product itself is biodegradable.
Can I sugar while on my period?
Absolutely! As long as you have a tampon in throughout the service you are totally fine.